Anthony Paul Landscape Design
Anthony Paul



The country gardens of England have become recognised as the historical birthplace of the English passion for gardens.
Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House Anthony Paul Landscape Design Belmont House

Our climate here allows us to grow many varieties of plants, which over the years were sourced from all over the world. These gardens were, and still are, the envy of the garden world – largely due to their link to the lifestyle and beauty of the English countryside.

It was a privilege to create and remodel this garden in such a way that the seasonal planting keeps your interest throughout the gardening year. Planting perennials to create splashes of bright colour gives this garden a painterly look and this is helped further by our principal of mass planting which we adopt in most of our gardens - achieving large drifts of colour.

New hedges, pots, planter boxes with topiary Yew, Box and clipped Elaeagnus half-standards were added to improve the garden's structure and give a sense of bold green architecture. Repeating a plant, so the eye catches the same shape, form and colour in the same view is important to achieve the coherence and connectivity of the garden.

Photographed by Clive Nichols.

New Zealand Garden by Antony Paul
