Anthony Paul Landscape Design
Anthony Paul

Art &


Contemporary art enhances and enlivens a space. The mere presence of a quality piece of sculpture can totally change the mood and atmosphere of a garden.
Art and Sculpture - Anthony Paul Landscape Design Art and Sculpture - Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Art and Sculpture - Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design Anthony Paul Landscape Design

Many of the examples shown here are by internationally recognised, contemporary European sculptors whose work features in our Sculpture Garden in Surrey which was started by my late wife Hannah.' (Visit the sculpture garden website.)

Gardens portfolio - Anthony Paul Landscape Design
